As a parent volunteer, I have been involved in each and every one of my child’s schools. Through my parent participation, I know our students thrive when our teachers feel supported.
o Bay Farm – School Site Council Parent Representative, Lunch Supervisor, Room Parent, Math Tutor, Principal Selection Committee
o Lincoln Middle – School Site Council Chairperson, English Language Advisory Committee Parliamentarian, PTA Financial Secretary, Principal Selection Committee, After School Math Lecturer and Tutor
o Alameda High School – School Site Council Chairperson
o Encinal High School – School Site Council Parent Representative
o I have most enjoyed my visits to our schools and getting feedback from parents, teachers, students, staff, administrators and community members on how we can work together in keeping AUSD as a designation district.
o As a board member, I answer directly to the community that elected me. Our community deserves a budget process that is transparent and open to the public. In reviewing expenditures, I will base my decisions on “How does this benefit our students and their families?”
o I advocate for all students as it is our responsibility to provide resources such as a mental and emotional wellness plan so that each student has the support to succeed.
o While serving on the English Language Advisory Committee at Lincoln Middle School, I advocated for instructional materials so that our teachers had the resources and training that were necessary for each student’s success.
o I am committed to putting the needs of our students first while being fiscally responsible to our electorate.
I have a degree in Accounting and Finance from the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley.
oAs an Accounting Professor, I taught Cost Accounting, FinancialAccounting, Managerial Accounting, and Financial Analysis for Business Proposals.
o As a Director of Finance and a Controller, I understand how to prepare and analyze budgets. I will thoroughly review the District’s budget and question their assumptions to ensure necessary funding for our students.
o As a board member, it is my duty to be a responsible steward of our taxpayer dollars to ensure that our funds are spent wisely for success for all students
o Our board has created a transparent and public process in deciding our priorities for our budgets. We maintained open discussions and collaborated with community members and staff to tackle district priorities. In doing so we established a model to address our district’s most critical needs while ensuring that we remain competitive in retaining our employees.
o With community support, we have passed parcel taxes and facility bonds to support AUSD. The funds generated by the parcel taxes and facilty bonds are monitored by an oversight committee that ensures the funds are used as stated. We are fortunate to have dedicated community volunteers who serve on these important committees.
o Our Chief Businness Officer, Shariq Khan, and his dedicated staff have provided the board and community with thorough transparent financial presentations. As school districts throughout the state were receiving funds to address the affects of Covid, Mr. Khan provided the board and community with a detailed breakdown of how these funds are being spent to meet safety and student needs.
o To establish a collaborative partnership built on honest and responsible communication with our teachers, staff, administrators, District office and our community.
o I am the only candidate that grew up in and attended the Alameda public school system. The exposure I received through the Alameda schools laid the foundation for my longstanding commitment to public education.
o Attended Otis Elementary, Lincoln Middle (inaugural 7th grade class at Fernside location), Alameda High and Encinal High School.
o As an alumni of the Alameda schools, I am invested in their success and will be committed to:
o Listening and soliciting input from our community about their concerns regarding our schools.
o Being accessible to the community that elected me.
o Ensuring the District’s funds are spent wisely on student achievement.
o I am connected with my neighborhood and the greater Alameda community.
o Co-founded a local basketball and volleyball club that provides a year round basketball program for 300 local youths, 2nd grade to high school. Those volunteers and coaches who have taken over have continued the commitment to year round youth sports in Alameda.
o Community of Harbor Bay Isle Board Member (Treasurer/Secretary).
o Columbia Homeowner’s Association Board Member and Past President (14 years).
o Buena Vista United Methodist Church Basketball Program Team Manager.
o Worked with our Coast Guard community and District Enrollment Committee to create a policy to permit our military families to enroll their children remotely upon receiving their formal orders to relocate to Alameda. This enrollment policy that was supported by past board members Gray Harris, Solana Henneberry and myself served as a template for a state wide policy that was approved by the California legislature and signed by Govenor Brown.
o During my term on the board, I established a joint subcommittee between AUSD and Peralta Community College to strengthen our collaboration in providing this free services to our students. Our objective is to inform our parent(s) and student community that fall, spring and summer school classes provided by the College of Alameda are free. Those classes will contribute towards their general educations requirements or career pathways. It has been my goal to promote this opportunity so that families can reduce the financial cost of college upon graduating from AUSD. I know several students who have completed 10 or more community college courses during their high school curriculum which will eliminate a full year of college expenses. Removing college debt from our AUSD students is an important goal of mine.
o As the violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) was occurring throughout the nation, especially on both coasts of the United States, I worked with past student board members, William Lau and Brian Lin and ASTI teacher, Todd Higashi, to bring community awareness of these tragic events to our community. More than fifty percent of reported violence towards AAPI has occurred in California. In order to raise awareness of mental and emotional pain suffered by the AAPI community, our student board members organized a AAPI Chalk Walk, a city-wide event intended to bring attention to the surge in violence against the AAPI community. Alameda’s AAPI student population is thirty-seven percent and as the only elected Asian on the current Alameda Unified School Board, I am so appreciative of William and Brian’s activism for being such outstanding role models to their peers and the support we received from our Webster Street and Park Street businesses. Below are some photos of the city-wide AAPI Chalk Walk organized by William and Brian. I was deeply moved seeing so many Asian community members of all ages coming to express their support and sharing words of love and tolerance.

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